Someone’s mom has four sons. North, West, and South. What is the name of the fourth son? The riddle that we are discussing in detail. One of the latest games that people play on their smartphones and tablets is to try solving riddles. This is a fun game and lets you think. These games are also known as brain games.

In this riddle, you need to answer what the mom’s four son’s names are. At first, the answer seems really easy, but the moment that you think about it, the answer isn’t that simple. This is what the riddle is all about.

The riddle of mom has four sons

The riddle that everyone is talking about. And, the answer is actually quite simple. The main riddle is: 

  • Someone’s Mom has four sons, North, West, and South. What is the name of the fourth son? Even if this is the main riddle, there are many different variants of the riddle. But, the answer is always staying the same.

When you are looking at the riddle, you might think that you have the answer. That the answer is obvious. But we have a surprise for you.

What most people think the answer is

You read the question:

  • “ Someone’s mother has four sons, North, West, and South. What is the fourth son’s name? So, her three sons are North, West, and South. Which one is missing? East.

Sometimes our common sense is letting us down. If you answer that the fourth son is named East, then you are wrong. Yes, this isn’t the answer at all. The answer is actually completely different. And, we will tell you why.

The answer to mom has four sons

Now, we are revealing the answer to the riddle. “ Someone’s mother has four sons, North, West, and South. What is the fourth son’s name?” The answer is someone’s. Let us explain.

Look closely at the question.  What are they asking? What is the fourth son’s name from Someone’s mother? The three other sons are North, West, and South. But, they are talking about Someone’s mother. This is also a name. And, the mother only has four sons.

  • The answer is Someone. Now that you look at it differently, you will see that the answer is actually obvious and simple. We just need to read it slowly and thoroughly.

Other variants of the riddle

The mom has four sons riddle comes in different variants. But now that you know what the answer to the first riddle is, you will easily find the answers now. Now, it isn’t complicated in any way. These are some of the variants of the riddle.

  • Someone’s mother has four sons.  Three of their names are East, North, and South. What is the name of the fourth son?
  • Someone’s mom has four sons, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. What is the fourth son’s name?

No matter how the question is being asked, the answer stays the same: Someone’s.

Interesting information to know

Why is the answer Someone? We read the questions as Somebody’s mother. However, because of the colon, the answer changed. It is giving the word a completely different meaning. This is actually the name of one of her children.  If we changed the word Someone to a real name, it is a completely different question and everyone will get the answer a lot quicker.

  • East’s mom has four sons; North, South, and West. What is the fourth son’s name? Then the answer will be East.

This is actually a simple answer then. And, now you will understand the answer to the riddle a lot easier.

SPOILER: Someone’s Mother Has Four Sons. Another Facebook Riddle (

Someone’s mother has four sons, North, West, and South. What is the name of the fourth son? Someone. This is simple. And, if you know your rules when it comes to English, then you would have seen the answer immediately.  Read the riddle again, and make sure that you read it aloud and slowly. Then, you will get it easier and faster. You can even now use the mom has four sons riddle and confuse your friends and family.